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The Full Disbursement Process
You completed steps 1-3 above. Your college or university will sign into DC OneApp using its respective username and password. Your college or university must sign a Program Participation Agreement (PPA) for Public and Private Non-Profit Institutions of Higher Education and submit a W-9 certifying that the tax ID number provided is correct. Your college or university enters required data information into the DC OneApp (Cost of Attendance, Credit Hour Cost, In/Out of State Tuition, and Contact Information). Your college or university submits invoice to DCTAG for payment directly through DC OneApp. Invoice is received electronically and includes an Enrollment Verification Chart complete with student’s name, SSN, status, and tuition requested. The college or university credits your student account.My college says my tuition has not been paid – is my DCTAG award missing?
Contact the financial aid office at your college or university with any problems concerning your student account. The financial aid office can determine if your student account is correct and, if not, how to resolve billing discrepancies. If the financial aid office requires assistance, they may contact the DCTAG Disbursement Analyst at (202) 727‐2824. If you require assistance you may contact your assigned DCTAG advisor at (202) 727‐2824 or 1-877‐485‐6751.
If your school says your award has not been paid, these are the steps to take:Colleges or universities participating in the DC Tuition Assistance Grant Program (DCTAG) must adhere to the DCTAG Program Participation Agreement in which they agreed to: "Not impose any penalty, late fee, denial of classes or other institution facilities, or requirement that students borrow funds because of an inability to meet financial obligations to the institution as a result of not receiving forth coming DCTAG funds ..."